International Medical Corps - Reproductive Health Center in Cameroon

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The Hickey Family Foundation is supporting International Medical Corps’ effort to rehabilitate a health center damaged by conflict in the Far North region, and the building of two maternity clinics in the East region of Cameroon.

Their work there will also include training of all health staff working at those maternities and in nearby health centers in basic obstetric and neonatal care for pregnant women and their newborns.

In the Far North, training will be conducted in the integrated management of childhood illness and the clinical management of rape and psychosocial support for survivors of gender-based violence. The World Health Organization and UNFPA recommend prioritizing skilled obstetric care and a comprehensive clinical response to gender-based violence as priorities during protracted crises and recovery, especially in places like the Far North region of Cameroon.

The training program will also address the high mortality rate for children under the age of five.

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