Privacy Policy

HFF does not consider unsolicited requests for funds and grant applications are provided by invitation only.

Our Mission

The mission for the Hickey Family Foundation consists of three categories of projects:

Supporting Rescue of Youth Projects

Youth Projects

This area of mission focuses on youth rescue through outreach projects that address medical, social, educational and/or training needs of youth under the age of 21. Such projects should focus on assisting young people who are “at risk” due to economic, social, and/or medical issues to help guide them toward becoming productive, functioning members of the community.

We wish to see a world where young people are able to be productive and functioning members of their community unencumbered by economic, social or medical issues they may face.


Supporting Medical Technology Development Projects

Medical Technology Development Projects

Medical technology projects will be selected from those conceived or already underway at universities, medical centers and/or medical research institutions. Such projects should have the potential to positively impact important medical breakthroughs assisted (accelerated) as a result of HFF financial support.



Supporting Medical Training Center Development Projects

Medical Training Center Development Projects

The concept is to finance the establishment of medical training centers or clinics where no or inadequate medicine exists. The need for such facilities and training is most often as a result of natural disasters, political uprisings, war, or invasion.

HFF would also support clinics that address significant community health issues as a result of a potentially devastating condition or disease (i.e., tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, malaria, hepatitis, etc.). A critical element of this mission category would be the training of community health workers, nurses, doctors and other medical personnel to support the ongoing care of the local population.

The single goal of HFF is to effect the successful completion of Board selected projects within these three project categories for the entire existence of HFF.